Tintin Trailer 2

Looks quite promising, though still want that classic tintin tune in it..


It seems i’m on a roll considering posting videos from youtube.

Today we are looking at some of the best Theme’s from movies, cartoons, documentaries, games, that i know of.

The first one is from WW2 in hd, documentary and one of the best i’ve ever seen, i really wish there was a way to get my greasy paws on the soundtrack from this (which there apparently isn’t)..well i could take it out of youtube though.

Here is the theme of Starship Troopers.

Planescape Torment theme.

Baldurs Gate 2 Themes.

Ending this part here because i don’t want to crowd the page with too many youtube videos.

Some game music

All done by one person, here is his youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Taioo

FLARE (Free Libre Action Roleplaying Engine)

It is no surprise that i prefer open source. I do run a linux os afterall.

What we have today on the menu is a game engine project.

“FLARE (Free Libre Action Roleplaying Engine) is a simple isometric-perspective action rpg engine in the basic style of Diablo.  It is light on infrastructure to make the code easy to modify for various projects.”

Maybe once this engine matures more i will make a game on it, would be interesting to try doing one.

Interest of the day – Armored Vechile

Edit: The original video from Top gear was removed from youtube so here is another one about it.

I doubt i could get one here in Finland/or afford to drive it..(think of it..batman suit from http://www.udreplicas.com/featured/batman-begins™-motorcycle-replica-suit/ then you paint the Marauder black and tadaa!)

Videogame of Thrones (8-bit Theme of Game of Thrones)

Sites on the internet, I can’t get enough of.

Today i will be listing some of my favorite sites that i tend to read daily.

http://www.sfsignal.com/  A Speculative Fiction Blog – One of the best out there.

http://elitistbookreviews.blogspot.com/  A great book review site.

http://thewertzone.blogspot.com/  Reviews and news about SF&F.

http://fantasyhotlist.blogspot.com/ Reviews and news about SF&F.

http://io9.com/  I hope i don’t need to explain this one..well its a blog.

http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/  Game news.

http://www.phoronix.com  Linux related news and hardware reviews.

http://arstechnica.com/ Arstechnica..

That is all, have fun. 🙂


The recent inactivity

Is only temporary, i was on a trip to south-finland and that is now over and done with so will have time to do some new book reviews and blog posts.

Leonard Nimoy in a music video

Found this gem of a video on sfsignal today..sharing time.

Game of Thrones Episode 7 preview 2